Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011


These quartz crystal necklaces range from $240 - $450.

 Although I would love to own one of these, I forgot to write one in on this months budget. So I made my own.
I bought a small piece of quartz from the local jewelry store for a whole dollar and already had some metal wire around the house. I just wrapped the wire firmly around the quartz, twisted some things around, threw it on an old chain, et voila.

The result it slightly more organic than a designer piece, but you just can't beat the price.

Tip : Pick out a crystal that is a little distressed or disfigured at the top, this makes it easier for the wire to hold on. If you don't have any wire, a roll is only a few dollars at any craft store. 

fashion week.

Some of my favorite Fall looks from fashion week thus far.


calvin klein.

rachel comey.


rachel comey.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

bright eyes.

In honor of the new Bright Eyes album release today, I thought it appropriate to remember some of my favorite Bright Eyes videos. Along with a live performance of what I believe is the best song ever. Enjoy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

mariell amelie.

A london based photographer and one of my new favorites. I am for some reason quite intrigued by self-portrait collections, so here it is. However, she has so many more inspiring photographs at


Loving this line.
Perk : A children's book is donated through H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everywhere) with every garment purchased.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

this weeks secrets. valentine edition.

santa monica.

I've just returned from a trip to Los Angeles, which is the reason for the recent lack of posts. I did not have time to enjoy the scenery and pick up the camera but once. But what better place than the beach to do so.