Friday, November 26, 2010

blogs i love.

Number one. The rockstar diaries. This is just the life of naomi, her husband josh, and their bulldog kingsley. But i take such joy reading it every day. I think you will too.

Number two. Liebe Marlene has great photography and the greatest vintage looks. The best part is you can shop. Many of the pieces photographed are for sale at their online store through Etsy.

Number three. The Cherry Blossom Girl, aka Alix, is a French blogger. She is always traveling to a new destination and takes amazing photographs of other cultures' art, food, scenery, and fashion. She also has a great classic style herself.

Number four. Miss Pandora. I love this girl. It's mainly a fashion blog, but is far more artistic than most. Rather than snapping a quick picture of her outfit, she makes it into a photoshoot often inspired by other works of art. The outcome typically looks more like an editorial spread rather than a fashion blog.

Number five. Alma Luna. Another French blogger. I kind of wish I was French. Or at least lived in Paris. I love Alma because she just seems like a normal girl documenting her life and great fashion sense. She doesn't try too hard or wear expensive clothing, which I so appreciate. Oh, and she is kind of really beautiful.

Number six. Cocorosa. A free spirited, sometimes strange fashion blogger from Holland, Chantal, always has the most unique pieces that she pairs together in totally unexpected ways. It's just fun and quirky. Be sure to watch her video, it cracks me up.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

new york. new york.

Yes, it was almost a year ago that I took this trip to New York. But that doesn't mean I can't still share the pictures.

I kind of love the subway. Mostly because it was warm down there.

Artwork at The Met. Contemporary.

This contraption actually moved.


Time Square on New Years. I was thankful to be inside.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

cage the elephant.

So I have a small obsession with music videos. That's pretty much all I will watch on tv, when I had cable that is. With that said, I will continuously be sharing the videos of my favorite artists.

Right now I am really loving Cage the Elephant. Their sound is a little reminiscent of an awesome 90's band but their unexpected lyrics are a refreshing alternative to songs that you've been listening to for the past 10 years. Check 'em out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I went to Seattle last month for a little break from the hustle bustle of LA. Spent nearly all of my time in a coffee shop, vintage store, or movie theatre. It was pure bliss.

 Its official. My favorite part of Seattle has to be Fremont. This eclectic neighborhood has the best vintage shopping, uber friendly people, great unknown boutiques, and in true Seattle fashion, too many coffee shops to count.

 I didn't know that leaves actually turned these colors.

Just one of the many interesting things I stumbled upon in Fremont. Pretty cool huh?

Their two necks are so close to making the shape of a heart. If only I had snapped it a little quicker. I found these two guys just wandering around the neighborhood.

I would love to say that this shot was snapped at an amazing pumpkin patch with apple cider and hay rides and happy families and pecan pie. The truth is it's just in front of a local grocery store. Don't tell.

Being from Arizona, I find dressing for cold weather quite rewarding. Corduroys, hats, scarves, mittens, thick socks - it's all like dress up to me. So you can imagine my delight when gathering warm clothes for my Seattle trip. However, most of my warm clothes ended up in my lap or suitcase. Seems the California sunshine followed me to Washington.

This is the cutest antique store that I have seen in a long time. Not that I was surprised to find such a thing in Seattle, but the prices and knick knacks were amazing.

This boat is the home of a fortune teller.

Chicken? Rooster? Hen? Whichever you prefer. Becuase I'm really not too sure.

The little girl in me. I had to.